Ryan Bailey, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Colorado State University

Haider Addab
Research Project:
Haider's main research focus is modeling the transport of salts and nutrients in tile-drained stream-aquifer systems. He uses modeling tools such as UZF-RT3D and SWAT-Salt.
"Modeling and Management of Salinity in Irrigated Regions Affected by Tile Drain Networks"
Agricultural Experiment Station
Haider is currently working towards a Ph.D. degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering with a focus on Hydrologic Science and Engineering Program. He graduated from Kufa University in Iraq with a BS and MS degrees in Civil and Environment Engineering. After graduation, he worked as Assistant Lecturer at the Kufa University College of Engineering. He is also a member of the Institution of Iraqi Engineers since 2004.
His dissertation will concentrate on Modeling subsurface tile drains in watershed and groundwater models. His Research will focus on modeling subsurface tile drains in
watershed-scale. He will add subsurface tile drain flow and transport to MODFLOW for his dissertation.