Ryan Bailey, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Colorado State University

CIVE 542 -
Surface Water Quality Modeling
Course Description: Chemical, physical, and biological processes defining surface water quality and
other hydrologic feature that affect surface water quality; construction and application of computer
models for lakes and streams.
Objectives: Familiarize students with concepts, terminology, chemistry, and math skills required to solve
and model surface water quality problems.
Topics Covered:
Introduction to surface water impairment; history of water quality modeling
Chemical Reaction chemistry
Completely Mixed Systems (lakes, ponds): oxygen, nutrients, pathogens
Incompletely Mixed Systems (streams, rivers): oxygen, nutrients, pathogens
Watershed Systems
Model calibration, testing, sensitivity analysis
Modeling for Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs)
Water Quality Models: LAKE2K, QUAL2K, SWAT, BASINS