Ryan Bailey, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Colorado State University

To view an article, click the hyperlinked number at the beginning of the citation.
Updated: October 15 2019
[56] Deng, C., and R.T. Bailey (2019), A Modeling Approach for Assessing Groundwater
Resources of a Large Coral Island under Future Climate and Population Conditions: Gan Island, Maldives. Water 11, 1963; doi:10.3390/w11101963.
[55] Mosase, E., Ahiablame, L, Park, S., and R.T. Bailey (2019), Modelling potential groundwater recharge in the Limpopo River Basin with SWAT-MODFLOW. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 9, doi.org/10.1016/j.gsd.2019.100260.
[54] Wei, X. and R.T. Bailey (2019), Assessment of System Responses in Intensively
Irrigated Stream–Aquifer Systems using SWAT-MODFLOW. Water 11, 1576; doi:10.3390/w11081576.
[53] Bailey, R.T., Tavakoli-Kivi, S., and X. Wei (2019), A salinity module for SWAT to simulate salt ion fate and transport at the watershed scale. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 23, 3155-3174.
[52] Aliyari, F., Bailey, R.T., Tasdighi, A., Dozier, A., Arabi, M., and K. Zeiler (2019), Coupled SWAT-MODFLOW model for large-scale mixed agro-urban river basins. Environmental Modelling and Software 115, 200-210.
[51] Tavakoli-Kivi, S., Bailey, R.T., and T.K. Gates (2019), A salinity reactive transport and equilibrium chemistry model for regionalscale agricultural groundwater systems. Journal of Hydrology 572, 274-293.
[50] Molina-Novarro, E., Bailey, R.T., Andersen, H.E., Thodsen, H., Nielsen, A., Park, S., Jensen, J.S.,Jensen, J.B., and D. Trolle (2019), Comparision of abstraction scenarios simulated by SWAT and SWAT-MODFLOW. Hydrological Sciences Journal, doi: 10.1080/02626667.2019.1590583.
[49] Gowda, P., Bailey, R.T., Kisekka, I., Lin, X., and V. Uddameri (2019), Featured Series Introduction: Optimizing Ogallala Aquifer Water Use to Sustain Food Systems. J. Amer. Water Res. Assoc. 1–3. https://doi.org/10.1111/1752-1688.12719.
[48] Park, S., Nielsen, A., Bailey, R.T., Trolle, D., and K. Bieger (2019), A QGIS-based graphical user interface for application and evaluation of SWAT-MODFLOW models. Environmental Modelling and Software 111, 493-497.
[47] Flores, L. and R.T. Bailey (2018), Theis Origins: revisiting the Theis solution derivation to enhance understanding and application. Hydrogeology Journal 27(1), 55-60.
[46] Shultz, C.D., Gates, T.K. and R.T. Bailey (2018), Evaluating best management practices to lower selenium and nitrate in groundwater and streams in an irrigated river valley using a calibrated fate and reactive transport model. Journal of Hydrology 566, 299-312..
[45] Wei, X., Bailey, R.T. and A. Tasdighi (2018), Using the SWAT model in intensively managed irrigated watersheds: model modification and application. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 23(10): 04018044.
[44] Wei, X., Bailey, R.T., Records, R.M., Wible, T.C. and M. Arabi (2018), Comprehensive simulation of nitrate transport in coupled surface-subsurface hydrologic systems using the linked SWAT-MODFLOW-RT3D model. Environmental Modelling & Software. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsoft.2018.06.012. Accepted and in press.
[42] Alsumaiei, A.A. and R.T. Bailey (2018), Quantifying threats to groundwater resources in the Republic of Maldives Part II: Recovery from tsunami marine overwash events. Hydrological Processes 32:1154-1165.
[40] Bailey, R.T., Beikmann, A., Kottermair, M., Taborosi, D., and J.W. Jenson (2018), Sustainability of rainwater catchment systems for small island communities. Journal of Hydrology 557, 137-146.
[39] Uddameri, V., Singaraju, S., Karim, A., Gowda, P., Bailey, R., and M. Schipanski (2017), Understanding climate-hydrologic-human interactions to guide groundwater model development for Southern High Plains. Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education 162, 79-99.
[38] Hrozencik, R.A., Manning, D.T., Suter, J.F., Goemans, C., and R.T. Bailey (2017), The Heterogeneous impacts of groundwater management policies in the Republication River Basin of Colorado. Water Resources Research, 10.1002/2017WR020927.
[37] Kivi, S.T. and R.T. Bailey (2017), Method for estimating available groundwater volume of small coral islands. Hydrological Sciences Journal 62(14), 2381-2392.
[36] Deng, C. and R.T. Bailey (2017), Assessing groundwater availability of the Maldives under future climate conditions. Hydrological Processes 31: 3334-3349.
[35] Huizenga, A., Bailey, R.T., and T.K. Gates (2017), Stream-aquifer and in-stream processes affecting nitrogen along a major river and contributing tributary. J Contaminant Hydrology 199, 24-35.
[34] Kivi, S.T., and R.T. Bailey (2017), Modeling sulfur cycling and sulfate reactive transport in an agricultural groundwater system. Agricultural Water Management 185, 78-92.
[33] Alzraiee, A.H., Bailey, R., and D. Bau (2017), Assimilation of historical head data to estimate spatial distributions of stream bed and aquifer hydraulic conductivity fields. Hydrological Processes 31:1527-1538.
[32] Barkey, B.L., and R.T. Bailey (2017), Estimating the Impact of Drought on Groundwater Resources of the Marshall Islands. Water, 9, 41; doi:10.3390/w9010041.
[31] Bailey, R.T., Rathjens, H., Bieger, K., Chaubey, I., and J. Arnold (2016), SWATMOD-Prep: Graphical User Interface for Preparing Coupled SWAT-MODFLOW Simulations. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 53(2), 400-410.
[30] Wallace, C.D., and R.T. Bailey (2017), Geohydrologic factors governing atoll island groundwater resources. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 22(6), 05017004.
[29] Bailey, R.T. (2016), Review: selenium contamination, fate, and reactive transport in groundwater in relation to human health. Hydrogeology Journal. doi 10.1007/s10040-016-1506-8.
[27] Bailey, R.T., Wible, T.C., Arabi, M., Records, R.M., and J. Ditty (2016), Assessing regional-scale spatio-temporal patterns of groundwater-surface water interactions using a coupled SWAT-MODFLOW model. Hydrological Processes, doi: 10.1002/hyp.10933.
[26] Bailey, R.T., Barnes, K., and C.D. Wallace (2016), Predicting Future Groundwater Resources of Coral Atoll Islands. Hydrological Processes, in Press, doi: 10.1002/hyp.10781.
[25] Bailey, R.T., Ahmadi, M., Gates, T.K. and M. Arabi (2015), Spatially distributed influence of agro-environmental factors governing nitrate fate and transport in an irrigated stream-aquifer system. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 19, 4859-4876. doi: 10.5194/hess-19-4859-2015.
[24] Wallace, C.D., Bailey, R.T., and M. Arabi (2015), Rainwater catchment system design using simulated future climate data. Journal of Hydrology, 529, 1798-1809.
[23] Bailey, R.T., Gates, T.K., and E.C. Romero (2015), Assessing the effectiveness of land and water management practices on nonpoint source nitrate levels in an alluvial stream-aquifer system. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 179, 102-115.
[22] Bailey, R.T. (2015), Quantifying transient post-overwash aquifer recovery for atoll islands in the Western Pacific. Hydrological Processes, doi: 10.1002/hyp.10512.
[21] Foy, C., Arabi, M, Yen, H, Gironás, J., and R.T. Bailey (2015), Multisite assessment of hydrologic processes in snow-dominated mountainous river basins in Colorado using a watershed model. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0001130.
[20] Bailey, R.T., Romero, E.C., and T.K. Gates (2015), Assessing best management practices for remediation of selenium loading in groundwater to streams in an irrigated region. Journal of Hydrology, 521, 341-359.
[19] Wallace, C.D. and R.T. Bailey (2015), Rainwater Catchment Analysis to Assess Existing and Potential Water Supply for Micronesian Atoll Islands. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 51(1), 185-199.
[18] Bailey, R.T., Khalil, A., and V. Chatikavanij (2014), Estimating Current and Future Groundwater Resources of the Maldives. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, doi: 10.1111/jawr.12236.
[17] Yen, H., Bailey, R.T., Arabi, M., Ahmadi, M., White, M., and Arnold, J. (2014), The role of interior watershed processes in improving parameter estimating and performance of watershed models. Journal of Environmental Quality, doi:10.2134/jeq2013.03.0110.
[16] Bailey, R.T., Khalil, A., and V. Chatikavanij (2014), Estimating Transient Freshwater Lens Dynamics for Atoll Islands of the Maldives. Journal of Hydrology, 515, 247-256.
[15] Bailey, R.T., Gates, T.K., and M. Ahmadi (2014), Simulating reactive transport of selenium coupled with nitrogen in a regional-scale irrigated groundwater system. Journal of Hydrology, 515, 29-46.
[14] Bailey, R.T. and M. Ahmadi (2014), Spatial and Temporal Variability of In-Stream Water Quality Parameter Influence on Dissolved Oxygen and Nitrate within a Regional Stream Network. Ecological Modelling, 277, 87-96.
[13] Bailey, R.T. and Jenson, J.W. (2013), Effects of marine overwash for atoll island aquifers: environmental and human factors. Groundwater, 52(5), 694-704.
[12] Bailey, R.T., Morway, E.D., Niswonger, R., and Gates, T.K. (2013), Modeling variably saturated multispecies reactive groundwater solute transport with MODFLOW-UZF and RT3D. Groundwater, 51(5), 752-761.
[11] Bailey, R.T., and T.K. Gates, and Halvorson, A.D. (2013) Simulating variably-saturated reactive transport of selenium and nitrogen in agricultural groundwater systems. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 149, 27-45.
[10] Bailey, R.T., Jenson, J.W., and Taborosi, D. (2013), Estimating the freshwater lens thickness of atoll islands in the Federated States of Micronesia. Hydrogeology Journal, 21(2), 441-457.
[9] Morway, E.D., Niswonger, R., Langevin, C., Bailey, R.T., and Healy, R. (2013), Modeling variably saturated subsurface solute transport with MODFLOW-UZF and MT3DMS. Groundwater, 51(2), 237-251.
[8] Bailey, R.T., Baù, D., and Gates, T.K. (2012), Estimating spatially-variable rate constants of denitrification in an irrigated agricultural groundwater system using an Ensemble Smoother. Journal of Hydrology, 468-469, 188-202.
[7] Bailey, R.T., Hunter, W.J., and Gates, T.K. (2012), The influence of nitrate on selenium in irrigated agricultural groundwater systems. Journal of Environmental Quality, 41, 783-792.
[6] Bailey, R.T., and Baù, D. (2012), Estimating geostatistical parameters and spatially-variable hydraulic conductivity within a catchment system using an ensemble smoother. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 16, 287-304.
[5] Bailey, R.T. and Baù, D. (2011), Estimating spatially-variable first-order rate constants in groundwater reactive transport systems, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 122, 104-121.
[4] Bailey, R.T. and Baù, D. (2010), Ensemble smoother assimilation of hydraulic head and return flow data to estimate hydraulic conductivity distribution, Water Resources Research, 46, W12543, doi:10.1029/2010WR009147.
[3] Bailey, R.T., Jenson, J.W., and Olsen, A.E. (2010), Estimating the ground water resources of atoll islands. Water, 2(1), 1-27.
[2] Gates, T.K., Cody, B.M., Donnelly, J.P., Herting, A.W., Bailey, R.T., and Mueller.-Price, J. (2009), Assessing selenium contamination in the irrigated stream-aquifer system of the Arkansas River, Colorado. Journal of Environmental Quality, 38, 1-13.
[1] Bailey, R.T., Jenson, J.W., and Olsen, A.E. (2009), Numerical modeling of atoll island hydrogeology. Ground Water, 47(2), 184-196.